Monday, June 6, 2011

Press Release: HTA Calls on House Energy and Commerce Committee to Support Reform of CPSIA

The Handmade Toy Alliance (HTA) representing small batch manufacturers and specialty toy retailers, today called on the House Energy and Commerce Committee to support H.R. 1939 (Enhancing CPSC Authority and Discretion Act of 2011, ECADA) during House Energy and Commerce Committee markup. ECADA addresses the unintended consequences of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) – a law that threatens to destroy the small batch children’s product manufacturing industry and specialty toy shops in the United States.
Passed by Congress in 2008 in reaction to lead-in-paint toy recalls by multinational companies, the CPSIA’s unintended consequences have devastated small businesses throughout America. The law's third party testing requirements, which will go into force at the end of 2011, and other mandates contained in the law, will force many more small crafters and retailers out of business.
“We need a solution because time is running out,” said Randall Hertzler (PA), HTA Vice President. “The time for politics is past. The Committee can save small businesses by supporting this bill.” “The unintended consequences of the CPSIA fall disproportionately on small batch children's product manufacturers, retailers, and importers. ECADA has language that provides meaningful reform for members of the HTA while still maintaining safety protections for consumers”, added Dan Marshall (MN), HTA President.
The ECADA would amend provisions of the CPSIA to provide relief to small and micro-businesses by requiring the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to implement rulemaking to specify an alternative test or exemption as well as require a cost-benefit analysis to justify testing costs. The bill goes a long way towards restoring and preserving the culture of handmade and specialty children's products in America.
About the Handmade Toy Alliance
The HTA was formed in November of 2008 in response to the CPSIA, and consists of 649 member businesses. Our members businesses include specialty toy stores, toymakers and small batch children's product manufacturers who want to preserve consumer access to safe, unique handmade toys, clothes and all manner of small batch children's goods. For more information, visit
Image courtesy of HTA Member Crafty Baby.